Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good Food

We've had some good food recently. 

marshmallow and powder sugar frosting brownies

Unfortunately, we've had some crappy photos.
the uncooked meatloaf that I forgot to take an after picture, but trust me, it was both beautiful and really good. seriously if you are going to make meatloaf, make this recipe
I'd like to blame the camera, but I got a C in photography in high school. 
I should be embarrassed to admit that

Billy made us delicious fried rice with peas, carrots, egg, and all kinds of goodness. 

I am a terrible poster. 
New Years Resolution - be a better poster.
So come January, expect some good blogging. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Fam

About a month ago, my mom texted me this video
It brightened my day
 and I wish I was home to practice with the family drill team
still figuring out how to put a good header on
Jim Dawson playing the Harmonica 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Under Construction.

My blog now looks terribly tacky with the off kilter heading in the weird green color. 

It was all so cute while I was planning it out! 

So we are currently under construction

And pretty soon this blog will be the cutest blog in all the land!

Friday, September 16, 2011


This summer, we did a lot of fun things!
Like match on the fourth of july
(which Billy was thrilled about. look at his glow)

and lots of awesome home fireworks

 a few trips to montana and yellowstone

summer was so stinking fun!
and fall should be too
shout out to clairey for our first comment!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

when in rome!

we love roma!
everything was bigger than we realized

everything was as cool as it seemed in pictures, if not more so

the food was so delicious
and it was so sad to leave!
but thanks to this fountain, we'll be back

Wednesday, July 6, 2011